Using all your tools available, encounter safe passage to mystical information, profound personal insights, unique areas of expertise & understanding and so much more.
This workshop is designed to help you get into your mystical flow and abilities, opening your awareness to a flow of spiritual detail and understanding, and in so doing, give you the stability and accuracy to work with groups & audiences.
Allow your steadfast focus on the contact to propel you into more and more unfoldment of the contact, the recipient, the magical experiences, the current & upcoming miracles and so much more.
Take your dedication to healing and spirit a step further by giving yourself this workshop to work in the flow of information, without hesitation or concern for a client, but knowing you are held in the power of spirit with your peers, Tony & the mystical all around us.
Feel the profound healing associated with this type of work as we align our energetic system to channeling the mystery, fearlessly.
Today’s world requires innovative, expansive, healing from those most fortunate to hold the gift of insight like ourselves.
It is important that we rise to the occasion and find new ways to reach people where they are at, to support them in these difficult times in ways that are inline with current day world and address the types of experiences people are encountering.
It is no longer enough to deliver ONLY ‘evidential mediumship’ in all situations and we are the people tasked to open to new possibilities, insights & modalities.
The world is changing and we need to change with it, expand with the need and direction and bring healing where, when & how it is required.
Staying in an intuitive box, developed in a past world may not be enough in today’s profound physical experience. You were not ‘born in that box’ and you are not required to stay put in it.
You are an evolutionary being of love and freedom….be all that you are meant to be. Leave no stone along your unique path, unturned.